

We only let the best instructors join us. Our instruction demonstrates that fear and anxiety will not prevent students from driving if they are seriously motivated. We teach innovative solutions to the complex traffic problems that confront frustrated motorists.

Price for teen classes

  • $350 Behind the wheel for One Student
  • $350 Drivers education class
  • $90 90 minute presentation
  • $180 Re-exam for knowledge test

Prices for adult classes

  • $100 2 hours
  • $80 1-1/2 hour
  • $60 1 hour
  • $450 Package 10 hours
  • $250 DMV road test
  • $600 ($350+$250) Adult wavier
    Previous Driving experience is required
  • $350 Adult wavier with Pink card (DEC1)
  • $180 Re exam class for knowledge test
  • $300 Re exam class for road test

Courses Details

Adult Courses

  • Adult wavier course

    This course consist of two parts 36 hours of drivers education class each lesson is 50 minutes. Behind the wheal (BTW ) 7 hours of driving and 7 hours of observation each lesson 50 minutes .Minimum completion time for BTW is seven days In this course school will administered the road test.

  • Re-examination course knowledge examination

    Designated for student who have failed 3 times knowledge examination at the DMV It is an 8 hour class of 50 min period each On completion of the course school will issue a certificate of completion in order to give test fourth time in DMV.

  • Re-examination course

    Designated for student who have failed the DMV road test 3 times. It is 7 hour driving course in order to take road test in DMV fourth time.

Teen Courses

  • Drivers education class

    This is 36 hours of class room of 50 minutes each In week days max two lesson in one day. Four lesson in weekends or holidays.

  • 90 minutes parents and teen presentation

    90 minutes parent and student driver education component in –person as required by Virginia code 22.-205

  • Behind The Wheel

    This course consist of 7 hours of driving and 7 hours of observation Minimum 7 days to completion.

Class room timings

5 PM Till 9 pm schedule through web site